

2022-07-16 来源:V品旅游网
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com

Inhibitor researches on TLR4 signal transduction pathways and inflammatory bowel disease…………W NG LP 。L儿 (220) (224) (226) Research of relations of psychological and social factors and inflammatory bowel disease ……………ZHANG Shu—fang,WU Xiao—ping Effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide on the modulation of gut barrier function………………………LU Zhong-kai。CHEN i—chang Intestinal intraepithelial Y6 T cells…………………………………………………………………………(230) YE e-fang.LI YoU一 ing The interleukin一23/17 axis and inflammatory bowel disease ……………………………………………(234) XjA0 Nan—ping,0U YA NG—Q Relationship between interleukin-23 and inflammatory bowel disease……………………………………(23 7) (240) (243) JIANG Yong.LV Zong—shun。LIU Jian Aquaporin-8 and digestive …………………………………………………………………………………LjU Mao—kun。ZHANG Rui—wing Role of nuclear receptors in bile acids and cholesterol metabolism………………………………………MAoQi—qi,SUN XU Orignal Articles Detection of serum survivin in gastric carcinoma patients and its clinical significance…………………(246) 5UN Jing,JjAo Jie-ru,WEj X“一qian,ZHA0 Ya—Jie,W U Fang,JIANG Shi—hu Study on nocturnal acid breakthrough in patients with gastroesophageal reflux…………………………(250) (253) CHEN Ji,W NG Zhong,QUQi—fen,GA0Mei—Z hTERT gene promoter modulated construction of expression vector of FADD …………………………ZHANG Xian—feng,JIANG Ying—an,LUO He—sheng Association between N‘acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphisms and genetic susceptibility to ulcerative colitis ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・r256) LIN Li—miao,CHEN Hao,CHEN Bi—hong,et a Article Abstracts Research of mosapride treats intestinal motility disorder of rats caused by vincristine’・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(260) WANG Lei,ZHA0丁ao,ZHANG W i,et al Expression of thioredoxin mRNA in non。 alcoholic fatty liver tissue of ratsZHANG Ge—hong,ZHAO He—ping,DUAN Xiao—yan ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(262) 《国际消化病杂志 编委会名单 名誉主任主 顾 任萧树东 邱德凯 副主任 江石湖 刘文忠 刘厚钰问 (按姓氏笔画为序) 许国铭 王兴鹏 王家耽 李 石 李宏为 巫协宁 吴裕忻 张一楚 张延龄 陈 强 柳秉乾委 徐家裕 员 (按姓氏笔画为序) 马 雄 王立明 王吉耀 王江滨 尹浩然 田德安 厉有名 刘海林 刘正新J孙述臣I许评朱正纲 李兆申 李定国 李继强 李延青 吴云林 吴志勇 吴叔明 姒健敏 陆 玮 陈卫昌 陈 吉 陈克敏 陈维雄 林三仁 张忠兵袁耀宗 曾民德房静远 欧阳钦 范建高 罗金燕 范竹萍 周建农 杨冬华 胡品津 钟 良 赵洪川 徐富星 徐克成 郜恒骏 谢渭芬 樊 嘉 樊代明 
